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Maya and Her Lover 2021

The mundane life of a 39 year old introvert is disrupted when she begins a steamy but contentious affair with a much younger Man.
3.9/10 IMDb
Comedy,Drama,Romance As I sat down to watch the 2021 movie "Maya and Her Lover", I have to admit that I hadn't even heard about the movie the beforehand. But the synopsis for the movie sounded interesting enough, and since this was a movie that I hadn't already seen, of course I opted to sit down and watch it. Now, while I did manage to sit through the entire movie, I can honestly say that I was only mildly entertained. Yeah, see, "Maya and Her Lover" wasn't really as interesting as the synopsis made it out to be. It was the narrative of the story that was just too slow and didn't really have enough interesting aspects to it, so that made it feel like a rather mundane and slow paced movie.